A Special Situation Where a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer in Warrenton VA is Needed to Determine Fault

by | Oct 20, 2016 | Uncategorized

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In most cases, the liable party is easy to determine in a car accident. It’s simply the person who caused the accident through negligent or direct actions. In some accidents, it can be harder to tell who was the negligent party and therefore liable for compensating the victim in the accident. In a few cases, both of the drivers may be able to obtain compensation for their injuries by working with a motor vehicle accident lawyer in Warrenton VA to determine liability.

Although it doesn’t happen very often, there are cases where an accident is caused by the mechanic who worked on the vehicle recently. In these cases, the mechanic did not do something properly, which ended up causing the accident. For instance, the mechanic might not have tightened the lug nuts on the tires properly, and one or more tires came off while the person was driving, causing the accident. In this situation, the mechanic would be liable and would be the one to obtain compensation from. If the incident caused an accident with just the person driving the vehicle involved, they can contact the mechanic for compensation. If the incident caused the vehicle to hit another vehicle, both drivers could request compensation from the mechanic.

Another way for the accident to not be the fault of the driver is when there is an issue caused by the manufacturer of the vehicle. Although vehicles are tested thoroughly before being released, recalls are often necessary because of issues with the vehicle. If one of these issues causes an accident, especially if it occurs before a recall, the driver could be able to obtain compensation for their injuries. As with the above situation, any drivers involved in the accident may seek compensation from the vehicle’s manufacturer if they were the cause of the accident.

In most cases, it’s relatively easy to determine liability, but there are some cases when it’s necessary for the drivers to work with a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer in Warrenton VA to determine the liability. Although these are special cases that do not happen frequently, they can and do happen at times. If you’ve been in an accident and you don’t think who is liable is clear, get more information to help you today.