A Few Examples of Times When You Might Need Potomac Family Lawyers

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Lawyers

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Family lawyers are specialized attorneys who focus on all different matters related to family law. Even though you may have never had to hire Potomac family lawyers in the past, now might be the right time to retain an attorney. These are a few examples of the different times when you might need to hire a family lawyer.

You’re Getting a Divorce

If you and your spouse have decided that you want to end your marriage, you could be wondering about which steps you should take. You may need to file for a legal separation, divide your marital assets, and officially and legally end your marriage. To get help during this stressful time, and to make sure that your marital assets are divided in a proper and fair manner, you should definitely think about hiring a family lawyer to help you.

You’re Handling Child Custody Issues

Child custody issues can be challenging, and they affect both parents and children. If you’re in the process of determining custody of your children, or if you’d like to modify an existing custody plan, you’re probably going to want the help of a good lawyer.

You Need Help With Child Support

Whether you are asking for child support as a custodial parent, or if you are subject to paying child support for your children, you will likely need a lawyer to help you navigate the system. This is something a family lawyer can help with.

As you can see, there are multiple scenarios in which you can benefit from the services of Potomac family lawyers. Contact Shah & Kishore to schedule a family law consultation.