At various times throughout the year, people seize the opportunity to celebrate by doing a lot of drinking. Drinking and being merry is alright in its proper place. However, drinking and driving do not mix. Anytime people drink and drive, there is the great danger of causing a terrible automobile accident. It is for this reason that the offense is treated harshly. When people are stopped under suspicion of drinking and driving, they are bound to face serious trouble. There is a DUI Lawyer in Cincinnati OH who knows the consequences faced by arrested drunk drivers. Here are some of the challenges that the accused must face.
In Ohio, DUIs (driving under the influence) are referred to as OVIs (Operating vehicle under the influence). The blood alcohol content level is .08 percent, unless the driver is a commercial driver, which is .04 percent, and a person under 21 is .02 percent. The first offense could easily get the offender six months in jail, with a fine of up $1,000. The offender could also face suspension of license for up to three years.
If the accused is a repeat offender, naturally the consequences will be worse. For example, a 4th offense may carry a jail term of one year, a fine of up to $10,000 and a permanent suspension of license. The offender will also be required to have the ignition interlock device. The accused also needs to know that if he or she refuses to submit to a sobriety test by a law enforcement official, there will be a fine and an automatic suspension of the license. Drunk driving convictions can weigh heavily on the accused’s career, too.
Drunk driving arrests can get complicated and cause public embarrassment. Engel & Martin, LLC are attorneys in the Cincinnati, Ohio area who have been providing legal solutions for more than 25 years to clients with DUI or OVI problems. In addition to OVI problems, they handle family law, domestic violence, campus crimes, and federal criminal defense cases. If any clients are looking for a DUI Lawyer in Cincinnati OH, they are available. Just visit their website.
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