A Dentist in Waikoloa Provides General Dentistry and Cosmetic Treatments

by | Jan 22, 2015 | Dental Health

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People know that good dental health contributes to good overall health. Therefore, they rely on their Dentist Waikoloa to keep their mouth healthy. The first step in this process is to schedule dental checkups every six months. These checkups include professional cleanings that remove all of the tartar and plaque that build up on teeth. This prevents cavities and gum disease. It also makes teeth whiter and brighter. If the dentist finds a small problem, it is easier and cheaper to fix it at an early stage. This also gives the patient a chance to tell the doctor any concerns they have about their dental health.


A person may have healthy but unattractive teeth. They may be odd-shaped with uneven gaps between them. The patient may be so self-conscious about them that he refuses to smile. This can make him seem unfriendly to co-workers and people in the community. He may be very surprised that the dentist can solve his problem in just a few dental visits. Dental veneers are thin shells that fit over the front of the teeth. They are about the same thickness as a contact lens. They can reshape teeth and even out the spaces between them.


The dentist begins by using a chemical to strip a small amount of enamel from the teeth. This is a painless procedure. Stripping off the enamel allows the veneer to sit properly on the tooth and at the gumline. The dentist then takes an impression of the teeth and sends it to a dental laboratory. It takes about 10 days for a dental technician to craft the veneers. He will follow the dentist’s guidelines for shape and color. During this period, the patient will wear temporary veneers to protect the teeth. When the dentist receives the veneers, he will make sure that they fit perfectly and are the correct shade of white. He will then cement them into place.


If the patient follows the dentist’s instructions for caring for them, they will last for many years. Business Name is one of the Waikoloa dentists that provides general dentistry and cosmetic treatments. People can call his office to make an appointment. Browse website for more information.