A Commercial HVAC Contractor in Powell OH Can Recommend Best Practices

by | Apr 13, 2017 | HVAC Contractor

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Maintenance and installation of commercial HVAC systems has conventionally had a focus on code compliance and employee comfort. However, due to budget constraints, poor maintenance agreements are put into place and result in negative effects on property values, comfort levels and efficiency. Proper upkeep is just one consideration to make with a commercial system; below are some other best practices to follow.

Controlling the Control System is an Important Part of Maintenance

An HVAC system’s controls have a firm purpose, and they can be simple or complex. Regardless of a system’s sophistication, controls should be used for optimization. Working with a local expert can help customers decrease utility spending over the equipment’s lifespan.

Night Scheduling and Setback

When a building’s HVAC system is properly controlled during off hours, the owner can achieve a significant cost reduction. Weekend, night and off-peak scheduling is easy to set up, administer and track. Basic tactics include:

  • Turning things off when they’re not used
  • Changing setpoints during off-peak times
  • Closing outdoor dampers

Maintenance and Operation

Other maintenance can be carried out by a Commercial HVAC Contractor in Powell OH. The contractor will regularly test the refrigerant charge, clean the outdoor coils and recommend frequent filter changes to keep the system clean and efficient.

Using Benchmarking

An evaluation of a building’s past efficiency and energy usage and a comparison with similar buildings can help owners find areas for improvement. The EUI, or energy use index, is the energy used per square foot of workspace. With normalization practices, EUI can be based on whole-building or end usage.

Establishment of best practices and implementation of a regular maintenance program can increase a system’s energy efficiency and overall longevity. When a business owner works with a Commercial HVAC Contractor in Powell OH to obtain the right equipment for optimal efficiency, it involves learning about what is best for the climate and for the region. For the long term comfort and happiness of visitors, vendors and employees, building owners should take action now to increase cost savings and energy efficiency. Find more information on the website or call today to schedule an appointment.