A Closer Look At Montessori Elementary Schools In Garland, TX

by | Oct 27, 2017 | Education

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Many parents of elementary-aged students, or younger children that are preparing to enter into school, have limited experience with the Montessori schools in Garland, TX.

While parents may have heard the term, they may not understand the basics of the educational models and methods used at these elite types of educational facilities. To help parents in Garland, TX and the surrounding communities understand the Montessori difference, let’s take a closer look at what these schools offer, which is much more than just the opportunity for experimental learning.

The Montessori Method

The Montessori method was originally developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1897. The method was designed to allow children to experience learning that was self-directed in rich, naturally interesting and educationally stimulating environments. The method encourages creativity and natural curiosity of children, allowing the child to make choices in their learning that is guided and supported by the teacher as well as their fellow students.

In elementary schools using the Montessori method, the child will be encouraged to learn concepts through the interaction with the carefully prepared classroom environment. Children will use appropriate types of materials, provided by the teacher, to explore and learn without the use of rote and repetitive types of processes.

The role of the teacher in these elementary schools is not to focus on teaching, but to provide a place for student learning. The teacher will provide one-on-one support for each child, serving more as a guide to learning and to foster individual learning differences, self-discovery of concepts and creativity and problem-solving skills.

Another key difference in the Montessori method schools in Garland, TX is the classroom structure. Children are grouped in mixed age classrooms, allowing for natural mentorship, social skill development and peer learning opportunities that are simply not possible in standard school settings.