A Bankruptcy Attorney in Wichita Can Answer Your Questions About Filing

by | Jun 10, 2013 | Law

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u’ve made the decision to file for bankruptcy, but you’re not sure about the hows, whys and whats. It’s going to require help from a Bankruptcy attorney Wichita to get it done right so you can move on with your life. It’s her job to guide you through the process so you avoid getting into trouble with the court on your quest to become debt free.

Chances are you have heard of Chapters 7 and 13 when it comes to filing for bankruptcy. You’ll be filing under one or the other, depending on the results of the means test. Once you’ve determined which chapter it’s going to be, you then progress to filling out the petition, which your Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney Wichita helps you with. After the petition is completed, your attorney submits it to the federal court to begin the process of declaring you legally insolvent, and eliminating your debt load.

Filing is a complicated process. There is a lot of paperwork to fill out, questions to answer and information to provide. Your Bankruptcy attorney Wichita helps you with a majority of the paperwork, but don’t ever hesitate to ask questions. You need to be fully informed about what it is you are entering into.

The most important thing to remember is to be completely honest. Never hold back anything that involves the financial information you are laying out. Hiding something intentionally gets your petition dismissed at the very least. You may also be barred from filing in that district if your omission is particularly egregious. Resist the urge to hide assets. Chances are very good that the trustee handling your bankruptcy is going to find it anyways, so don’t jeopardize your filing. If there is something you want to keep, you can discuss how to retain it legally with your lawyer.

Ultimately you are going to be laying out your entire financial picture for the court to see. It is up to you to prove to the court that you are in need of legal relief, and this is part of the process. Prepare yourself for what is to come and be sure to ask your attorney any and all questions that arise. Visit website for more information.