Getting Help With Flood Damage in NYC

by | Feb 19, 2014 | Business

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When flood waters strike your home, they can leave behind devastation in every area. Flood waters not only bring water into your home, but often mud, both of which can wreak havoc on the interior of your home. It is important for you to get help as soon as possible when your home experiences Flood Damage in NYC. This can help to get your home restored, so your home and belongings experience the least amount of permanent damage possible.


What Should You Do After Flood Damage in NYC?


When a flood occurs, how you react is extremely important. These tips can help you to know how you should respond and how you can get help in cleaning up your home and restoring it to the shape it was in before the flood waters hit.


Contact your insurance company first. Most home insurance polices do not cover flooding, but if you opted for this extra coverage, your home and property damage will be covered. You should begin documenting your damages and listing them as well. When you hire a flood restoration company, they can assist you with this process and will work with your insurance company, to make sure you are compensated for your damages and losses.


Shut off all electricity as soon as possible after a flood. Electricity and water can cause severe electrocution and could cause death. You should not operate your electrical system until your home has completely dried and has been inspected by a licensed electrician.


Removing your valuables is important after a flood. You should remove photos, keepsakes and other valuables so they can be allowed to dry.


Remove rugs and furniture. Removing these items will assist in them being cleaned and recovered and it will allow access to your flooring for the restoration company, so they can remove the water and mud from your home as quickly as possible.


Flood waters not only create damage, but can also bring health concerns to your home. This is why it is imperative you work with a restoration company that can help to restore your home properly. For help with flood damage, contact Maspeth Environmental Corp. They can help to restore your home and give you back your peace of mind.