When you have been injured in an accident, there are certain steps you’ll have to take before you can seek compensation. After you gather evidence at the scene and get contact information from the other party, you’ll undergo a medical examination. Finally, you’ll consult a personal injury lawyer in Southfield. Knowing how to approach the initial consultation will help you to better evaluate the attorney’s skills.
How Much Experience Do You Have?
This question should have multiple parts. Start by finding out how many years the lawyer has been handling personal injury cases. This will give you a general overview of their career. Follow that question up by asking how many cases have had favorable outcomes. Finally, ask how many favorable outcomes were the result of out-of-court settlements versus trials. These factors will help you evaluate the attorney’s success rate.
How Do You Keep in Touch with Your Clients?
Your lawyer should update you about your case on a regular basis, but it’s also important to understand that your attorney handles cases for many other clients. You should know how often your lawyer will be in contact with you, and you should know how to contact them if you have a question about your case.
What Happens If You Lose the Case?
It’s important to discuss how fees will be handled by your personal injury lawyer in Southfield if you lose your case. There are always administrative fees to cover court filings, medical record retrievals, and other aspects of preparing a case. Some attorneys charge these fees to their clients if the case is lost while others will not make their clients pay these fees.
Learn more about filing your personal injury claim when you visit Ravid & Associates, P.C. online.