For anyone who is not familiar with Judge Judy, she is a television personality who presides over small claims court cases. She has been on the air for over two decades, and her show is one of the most popular daytime programs. Her no-nonsense style has made her a household name, and she is known for delivering justice in a quick and efficient manner. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Judge Judy’s justice.
You Can Find It on a New Television Series
After twenty-five seasons of Judge Judy, the show is still going strong, but under a new name and with a new feel. The new series is called Judy Justice, and it aims to bring Judge Judy’s justice to the modern age. The show has been updated with a new look and new technology, making video evidence more of a central aspect of the show, as this is simply more common in the digital age.
The Cases Are Still Small Claims Court Cases
The cases that Judge Judy presides over are still the same small claims court cases as before, such as landlord-tenant disputes, breach of contract, physical assault, and other civil disagreements. The show is not designed to handle criminal matters, which would require a more formal courtroom setting. Cases are usually settled within twenty minutes, with many of them being resolved in just a few minutes—so you could say that Judge Judy’s justice is swift.
Judy Is the Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Judge Judy has been known to be a very opinionated jurist, with her decisions being well-grounded in the law. She is not afraid to speak her mind on matters she deems important, even if it doesn’t always sit well with litigants. This takes away the formalities of a court setting and leads to more informal resolutions between the parties, allowing them to find closure without having to pay an attorney or take matters to court.