There are several amphibious buggies on the market, but only one has the functions and capabilities found in the MARSH RUNNER® 99 HP. When determining what’s necessary for a particular set of uses, it is important to confirm that this capable vehicle provides everything you need. Here are a few of the most prominent benefits.
With nearly 100 horsepower driving its engine, this form of transportation will effortlessly move people, tools, and more across even the most demanding watery territory. Although this is not the most powerful engine offered in the vehicle, the mid-range option is sufficient for almost all normal uses. From moving people and equipment across a marsh to establishing the right of way for a pipeline or power line, the amount of power found in this vehicle is sure to be enough to get the job done.
Even though it is a sturdy and powerful vehicle, the MARSH RUNNER® 99 HP is surprisingly lightweight. It is crafted with an aluminum frame which makes it easy to hook up to various types of trucks to be towed to any job site where it will be needed.
Since every application is different and requires a unique set of accessories, it is important to note that Wilco Manufacturing, LLC has designed the Marsh Runner with versatility in mind. There are various tools that can be added to its frame or used separately to help professionals in a wide array of industries find a helpful and innovative way to utilize its capabilities.