How Does A Criminal Defense Attorney in Wichita, KS Help You?

by | Jan 7, 2014 | Attorney

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Even the most prominent prosecutors are going to make the mistake of filing charges against an individual who is truly innocent every once in a while. Fortunately, in the United States, you are innocent of a crime until you are proven guilty. This means when you hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in Wichita, KS, they do not have to prove you are innocent. They just have to prevent the prosecution from proving that you are guilty. If you are an impatient person you might want to know what you can do in order to avoid having to wait for a verdict or wait to plead guilty.

Not Enough Information

Any time a case comes across the desk of a prosecutor, they have to decide whether or not they want to file charges. There are times where the only thing they might have to use to make this decision is a police report. This is a problem because police reports are extremely limited in what kind of information they can provide about your case. It is also not uncommon for some of the information in a police report to just be wrong. Someone could have taken a statement wrong or someone could have lied. After all, no one including police officers are perfect. It is very possible that your criminal defense attorney in Wichita KS could get your case thrown out due to lack of information.

There are going to be times where your best option for defense is just to do nothing. While that might sound crazy it can take the prosecution several months to realize that they do not have enough information and evidence to charge you. This could also be because the witnesses to what happened have also changed their story or forgot what happened. The most common reason is if the evidence being used was not legally obtained.

Consulting with a law firm such as Rocky Wiechman Law is not really an optional luxury, if you have been charged with a criminal offense. Fortunately, you can Visit their Website to learn more about the services they have to offer their clients.