At some point, you may have to secure a bail bond for a family member or friend who is in jail and being held on bail. The good news is that you can get help from a reliable bail bond company to get yourself or a loved one released. The following are three methods of payment that you can use for a bail bond company:
Bail bond companies will accept cash from you if you have it. You can use cash to pay the 10 percent down payment they may ask you for to secure the bail bond. You will most likely receive a receipt for the money.
Deeds and Titles
You can also use deeds and titles as collateral if the bail bond company requests it from you. Sometimes, they request deeds and titles so that they can give you a bond. They may place a temporary lien on such documents until you or the defendant goes to court. The liens will be released within 30 days after the court date.
Credit Cards
You’ll be glad to know that you can also get credit card bail bonds in Glendale, AZ. Bail bond companies are willing to take credit cards for the down payments on a bail. Credit card bail bonds in Glendale, AZ are becoming a highly popular way for people to secure bail bonds for friends and family members. Look into them if you have a family member that needs help.
Contact Business Name at Website Url for information about getting a bail bond for a loved one.