Accepting electronic payments can help your business increase its cash flow while also providing a more convenient shopping experience for customers. This is because partnering with a company that provides merchant services in Charleston, SC, can make it possible to allow customers to pay with a debit or credit card.
Your Company’s Online Sales Will Likely Increase
Working with an organization that provides merchant services in Charleston, SC, may result in a significant increase in online sales. This is because the majority of people who buy goods online do so with a debit or credit card. Without a merchant account, your company might only be able to accept electronic checks as payment for goods purchased through your eCommerce site.
You Might Be Able to Use Accounts Receivable as Collateral
Another potential benefit to having a merchant account is that it might be possible to secure a merchant cash advance. Essentially, you are receiving cash today for sales that you anticipate making at some point in the future. For smaller companies, it can be a useful way to get credit without having to apply for a loan with a traditional bank or credit union.
Furthermore, it may be a way to get working capital for your business without having to pledge any of your personal assets. In most cases, the advance is repaid with a percentage of credit or debit card sales that the company generates each month.
To learn more about how a merchant account might help your company, contact FuSwipe – Electronic Payment Brokerage by visiting .