What a Bail Bonds Company in Phoenix Expects if You Sign the Contract

by | Jan 13, 2020 | Bail Bond Service

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You are thinking of visiting a bail bonds company in Phoenix on behalf of a loved one or friend. The only question in your mind deals with what this means for you if you decide to post bail with the help of a bail bonds person.

What is Expected From You?

Court Dates

The bond that is posted allows them some freedoms, but this isn’t permanent. You have to make sure your loved one or friend is present at every single court date until the sentence is actually set.

Additional Costs

The bail bonds company in Phoenix that you hire could possibly charge you additional fees if for some reason your loved one or friend misses their court date. Furthermore, if your loved one or friend tries to hide or runaway, then the bail bonds person is going to charge you for finding and collecting this person. You could also lose any collateral that you used to secure their bond.

Paying the Bail

Posting a bond will require fees and collateral. Collateral options can vary from cash and credit cards to placing a lien on your vehicle or home. The bail bondsmen can assist in answering any collateral questions you might have. If for some reason, your loved one or friend is decides not to go to court or “run” on the bond, then you could be responsible for the entire bail amount. This could mean your collateral is not returned, or it could mean you have to pay the entire bail amount.

You can talk to a bail bonds person if you have more questions or if you want to find out more about your responsibilities. This is a serious decision, so make sure you choose a bond company that will explain the whole procedure and go over all costs with you in advance.