Sooner or later, your forklift battery will need replacement. A degraded battery operating at too low of a voltage can cause damage to the forklift’s electric system over time. Typically, a forklift battery is capable of undergoing at least 1,500 charge cycles or five years of daily use before needing replacement.
Battery Replacement Warnings
There are a few signs you should look for telling that you may need to replace your battery. Battery sulfation happens when the sulfuric acid in the catalyst solution builds upon the battery’s plates. This occurs due to improper charging or as the battery’s water evaporates. As the sulfation becomes excessive, the battery will lose power as well as having an extensive recharging cycle. In a maintenance log, you might find it useful to track the voltage level and length of time the battery held a charge before recharging. Its inability to hold a charge is another indication a replacement may be necessary.
Low Power and Leakage Need Further Inspection
Another observation indicating a battery replacement may be unavoidable is a dim display. You may notice depressed power levels during operation as lights are faint or overall service is lacking. Check for loose ground connections first. Acquiring a replacement may be needed due to visible acid build-up on the battery’s exterior. It is recommended to immediately inspect the battery upon notice of acid build-up due to its hazard. The acid may be caused during operation as the sloshing liquid spills out, but it may also indicate an equivalent battery is needed. Knowing the signs of battery failure will help you stay ahead of problems and help keep your forklift in optimal operation.
Our specialty is in electric forklift battery in Vancouver, so take a look at
. If you need replacement batteries, charging devices, or even inquiries of direction about electric forklift battery in Vancouver, you will find our site useful.