What Are the Factors Involved in Snoring and How Can It Be Treated?

by | Sep 3, 2019 | Health

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Nearly every person snores at some time. For some, it’s a soft burring sound, but with others, it’s a trumpet sound. Partners’ sleep is interrupted, leaving them tired the next day and unable to function properly. It’s a physical problem for which doctors have snoring treatment in Tampa, FL, to help, but what’s it all about?


In sleep, the tongue collapses onto the throat. This blocks the airway. Upon inhaling, the tongue vibrates. The vibration can be soft or loud depending upon the strength of the breath inhaled. This can occur nightly; for some, it’s an intermittent occurrence.


Aging causes snoring due to the body relaxing as we age. Problems with the nose such as a deviated septum, enlarged tonsils, or nose polyps can cause narrowing of the throat, thus snoring results. Allergies can cause snoring due to irritations of the nose and throat.

Muscle relaxants like chemical medications and alcohol relax the throat. Sleeping on the back causes snoring due to the throat relaxing. Obesity is a factor in snoring due to fatty tissue around the neck.


Some snorers awaken with dry mouth and a sore throat. Others are told by sleep partners of their snoring. Some snorers awaken themselves with gasping breaths. There are adjustments snorers may make along with seeking their doctors’ advice and snoring treatment in Tampa, FL.

Losing weight, allergy treatments, and alcohol consumption cessation are lifestyle changes that may help snorers stop snoring. Surgery on the back of the throat is a possible solution. Appliances are a prescribed treatment for snoring. Some appliances help with sleep apnea, a condition to which some snorers are susceptible.

A popular appliance is a mouth guard, which pushes the lower jar forward to facilitate a clear airway. The tongue and throat won’t collapse, meaning snoring is cut to a minimum. CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure devices gently blow air into the airway to prevent throat collapse.