Do you have a hairline that continues to get higher and higher on your head? It is not uncommon for this to happen over time as the hairline recedes. However, for other people, it can occur from the start. If you have a large forehead or you have a hairline that seems to be too far up on your head, you may wish to consider a procedure such as hairline lowering surgery. For some people, this can help to improve their self-confidence.
What Happens in This Procedure?
In a hairline lowering surgery, doctors work to reduce the amount of tissue that is growing at the top of the forehead at the scalp line. This procedure is also called a scalp advancement or a forehead reduction procedure. It is a surgical procedure, which is why you and your doctor will need to determine if it is the right option for your needs or if you need to improve your overall health first.
Generally speaking, this procedure can be very effective for the right people. If you have a frontal hairline that is advanced and there is enough skin to move it forward, this is what your doctor will do. Yet, there are a number of steps that need to be taken care of before this occurs. Most importantly, your health has to be stable. You also need to have enough hair growing in this region as well as enough laxity in your skin to allow it to move.
To find out if hairline lowering surgery is a possibility for you, work with your plastic surgeon directly. Discuss what your needs and concerns are. Then, talk about what your options are for this procedure or other procedures that may help you to see a more natural hairline in the future.