4 Signs You Need to Talk to a Psychologist

by | Feb 27, 2019 | Counselor

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Talking to a therapist can save your life. Here’s why you should make an appointment with a psychologist in Royal Oak.

You’re overwhelmed

When traumatic events like accidents or death happen, that could lead to an emotional breakdown. You could end up exhausted trying to stay in control. Talking to a psychologist in Royal Oak can ease your grief and give you the right tools to deal with feeling overwhelmed by your grief, anger or loneliness.

You’re depressed

Having the blues is different from having a full-blown case of depression. By going to a trained professional, you have someone to listen to you air out your problems, encourage you to work hard on processing your emotions and help you find a handle on things, allowing you to express your grief in ways that won’t harm yourself or others around you. Unlike friends and family who often listen with the intent to respond, the Psych Central says, a trained professional’s goal is to help you process your emotions, facilitate discussions and provide you with support for long-term growth as well as change.

You need an unbiased opinion

A therapist provides you with an objective point of view. That can help reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions. If every emotion you feel is intense and that clouds your judgment or ability to make rational decisions, then you can benefit from regular sessions with a psychologist. If your emotional reactions impair your ability to function, working together with a therapist can help.

You’ve undergone a trauma

If you lost your job or there’s been a death in the family, then that could account for your problems. If grief isn’t letting you move on and keeps you from engaging in your life, then it’s time to get professional help. Book an appointment with a therapist.