If you have been in an accident and sustained injuries, taking care of your medical needs is likely your priority. However, getting in touch with personal injury lawyers in Woodstock should be a short second to that priority. Many people wait until the last minute to get in touch with an attorney, but that can be the wrong decision. If you wait too long, you may find yourself struggling to get everything together that you need. Here are reasons you shouldn’t wait any longer than you have to.
Statutes of Limitations
A statute of limitations is essentially a legal rule that requires you to file a claim related to an injury within a certain amount of time after the accident occurs. Every state has its time limit which may vary based on the type of claim you plan to file. Because of that, you need to speak to experienced personal injury lawyers in Woodstock. They will be able to explain what deadlines apply to you and your case.
Evidence May Be Destroyed
Having strong evidence is the best possible way of winning a personal injury case. The longer you wait to seek assistance, the most likely it is that some evidence you need will be lost or destroyed. With an attorney, you will be better equipped to preserve the evidence you need to have a strong case. This takes the stress off of you and makes it more likely your case will be successful.
Memories May Fade
In many cases, your memory is one of the most important pieces of evidence that you have. Over time, it is likely that your memory can fade or even be altered. When you have a personal injury attorney, your memories will be documented in detail. This means even things that might seem unimportant are recorded and may be used to negotiate during the process of your claim.
Less Chance of Fast Settlement
Sometimes the best resolution for a claim of personal injury is a settlement. This means you are compensated financially for the injuries you receive. This may occur because the defendant isn’t interested in dealing with the cost and time associated with a trial. This is far easier done with an experienced attorney at your side, who can advise you on your best decision.
At the Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C., we can help you through your injury claim. You can learn more or get in touch with us at www.RoberEdensLawOffice.com.