Drug Addiction Treatment-Knowing the Truth That May Save Your Life

by | Oct 22, 2018 | Health

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Treatment for drug addictions, now called Substance Use Disorders, is available for those seeking such treatment. The thing about the treatment of Substance Use Disorders that’s important to know, is that seeking treatment may save your life.

There’s a huge problem in our country. Currently in the United States, thousands of Americans are dying due to drug overdoses. In fact, in the last 10 years in the United States, over 250,000 Americans have died from drug overdoses.

The truth about drug treatment is, that it starts by having the person admit to themselves that they have a problem and want help. It is only then, after the person admits to him or herself and family that a problem exists, can the person then begin to take the steps necessary to eventually rid themselves of the problem.

Drug addiction is treatable. There are medications which are safe and effective for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders. For example, there are three different medications which are FDA approved for the treatment of Opiate Use Disorder, and in addition, there are three FDA approved treatments for Alcohol Use Disorder.

The number one drug people are addicted to is Nicotine. If one does not stop using tobacco, there’s a good chance that the person will develop a tobacco related disease. There are effective treatments now for Tobacco Use Disorder. Stopping tobacco now may save your life.

For the most part, individuals with Substance Use Disorders who do not seek treatment, generally end up in one of three places. These are the emergency room, jail, or the cemetery.

If you or someone you know has a problem with Heroin or other Opiates, excellent help is now available at The Drug and Alcohol Detox Clinic of South Mississippi. Call 000-000-0000 or on the web .

You can pay a visit to their Facebook page for more information. There’s Still Hope!