Teeth Whitening in Jacksonville For a Dazzling Smile

by | Oct 19, 2018 | Dental Care

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There are plenty of reasons that your teeth become discolored but only one sure fire way to fix the problem! Professional teeth whitening in Jacksonville area will put the smile right back on your face. A lot of people make the mistake of expecting professional results with over the counter remedies. The fact is over the counter remedies are not the best option.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening in Jacksonville is the Right Choice
When you have your teeth professionally whitened by a dentist you will see an amazing difference in the color of your teeth. When you attempt at home whitening with over the counter options, the difference will not be as noticeable. OTC options can:

  • Damage your teeth
  • Disappoint
  • Get costly

Damaging Your Teeth
OTC whiteners are not as powerful as what your dentist has to offer and not as safe. It may seem counterintuitive to think that something that is not as powerful can be more dangerous to use. Typically, users make the same mistake when it comes to OTC options. They over use the formula because they are not seeing the results that they hope for. Over use can cause damage to the enamel on your teeth. A dentist has a safer more effective solution.

The Frequency of Use Adds Up
The cost of buying at home whiteners can add up. You must use them more, which means you must buy more products. Of course, no matter how many times you buy these products you still are not likely to get the results you will get with professional whitening services. OTC is a waste of money!

Dazzle Them with Your Smile
Don’t waste time, money and effort on over the counter whitening kits, instead get the dazzling smile you deserve at Jax Beaches Family Dentist!