Signs It Is Time for Septic Tank Pumping in Suffolk County, NY

by | Oct 9, 2018 | Cesspool Cleaning Services

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In older neighborhoods throughout Suffolk County, NY, as well as in rural areas, municipal sewer systems may not be in place. Instead, these homes and properties rely on septic tanks and cesspools to store and break down waste material from the home or business.

Over time, the waste material in the septic tanks increases to a point where the tank can no longer handle the sewage from the home or business. When this happens, it will be essential to hire a professional service to complete septic tank pumping and remove the sludge from the bottom of the tank.

Regular Schedule of Pumping

For more home, regular scheduling of septic tank pumping can be done every three to five years, with the frequency dependent on the size of the tank and the production of wastewater from the home. This, in turn, is usually a factor of how many people live in the home.

Signs of Pending Problems

In most cases, regular septic tank pumping eliminates any risk of the system itself failing due tank overflow. However, sudden changes in water use in the home can result in the tank filling faster than previously anticipated.

Generally, there are small signs of problems that are overlooked when the system is slowing down or failing. The most common is slow draining of toilets, sinks, and showers in the house. When the water does drain, there may be significant gurgling noises in the pipes for a long period of time. Over time, this slow drainage will get worse until there are backups.

Outdoors, people in Suffolk County, NY, may see water on the surface of the ground over the location of the septic tank or field. They may also notice a definite odor in the general area. A septic tank that is working correctly will have no odor.

At the first signs of problems, calling in a septic service is the best way to save money and prevent further issues from developing.

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