Best Return Mutual Funds

by | Feb 19, 2018 | Investment Services

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Mutual funds are essentially schemes for fund based investments. These are operated through the collection of investment amounts from several investors. There are several aspects based on which the mutual fund can be chosen by any particular investor. But above all criteria, the first that one considers is the return.

A scheme with a good return record in the past 5-10 years is the one that people put their faith in. Once anybody gets an opportunity and the right backup, they will obviously wish to put their money into any high performing mutual fund that generates impressive returns on investments for a sustained period of time. Most people want time tested mutual funds and investment schemes that have already existed for a sizable duration in the market and hence have bought stocks in huge amounts accordingly. The entire AUM of mutual funds has already surpassed the 1,000 crore threshold and returns can be garnered up to 17-25% on an annual basis.

While several old mutual funds continue to reign supreme, there are a few new mutual funds in the market at present. These are giving quite a tough battle to those erstwhile stellar performers in the mutual fund space. These are new funds which are raising the bar even higher by offering returns up to even 30% in many cases on an annual basis. Quantum Mutual Fund remains committed towards offering several reliable and attractive facilities and services. They offer several options for investments which help in transforming one’s savings into considerable wealth for the future. The investments can be deployed accordingly and there are returns adjusted for risks which are practical and come over a longer period of time.