Chicago Social Security Disability Attorney: Benefits Of Hiring

by | Nov 15, 2017 | Law Services

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If you cannot work because you’re disabled, whether it happened recently or in the past, you may find that SSD benefits can give you the financial means to live comfortably and support your medical needs. The SSA offers assistance to people who are qualified, which means they must prove that they are disabled. The process can be lengthy and complicated, which is why people often hire a Chicago social security disability attorney for help.

Contingency Basis

While not all lawyers work like this, most of them are on a contingency-fee basis, which means they don’t get paid if they don’t win your case. Therefore, you aren’t out any expenses initially. If you do win, you pay them for doing a good job. If you don’t win, then you aren’t required to pay them and nothing necessarily changes.

Full Team

While some lawyers work alone and handle all the paralegal things, as well, most of them have a full team of people to help them. Therefore, you’re never alone, and neither are they.


You can get help with your application from almost anyone, including the SSA. However, a Chicago social security disability attorney can go with you through the entire process. Once the claim reaches the appeals level, a non-legal representation cannot help you, and you would likely need to hire someone at that point. It makes sense to hire them now so that they have as much information and are with you throughout, giving you peace of mind and the ability to deal with the legal system.

A Chicago social security disability attorney has the skills and experience to help you deal with filing a claim. Visit the Law Offices of Rabin, Kodner & Brown to get a free evaluation and learn more about the process.