What Features Are Necessary For Institutional Glass In Tecumseh, MI

by | Nov 8, 2017 | Uncategorized

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In Michigan, institutional glass is used in a variety of properties to keep occupants safer and to lower common liabilities. These properties could include jails, prisons, mental facilities, and nursing homes. The glass offers a thicker and more substantial construction that lowers common risks that could lead to legal claims against the property owner. A contractor can provide an assessment of the features of Institutional Glass in Tecumseh MI that are necessary for these properties.

Tamper-Free Glass for Better Security

The glass boasts a tamper-free feature that prevents occupants from compromising the glass that is in windows and doors. This can provide better security for the facility and prevent occupants from escaping through windows and keep outsiders out of the property entirely.

Shatter-Proof Glass to Prevent Injuries

Since the glass is shatter-proof, it can lower the chances of personal injuries for patients or inmates if they attempt to break it. The glass won’t shatter and won’t give them any materials that they can use to harm themselves or others. By using this glass, the facility owner or management can reduce liabilities associated with avoidable injuries completely.

Better Storm Protection for the Property

The more substantial construction offered by these glass products can lower the chances of interior property damage. The windows won’t shatter or break easily and can block out the elements, and they can stop the potential for water to enter the property during a natural disaster.

Prevention of Crimes

The glass can lower the chances of criminal acts as well by remaining intact. Glass products that are installed in institutions such as mental facilities, prisons, and jails are often bulletproof and prevent outsiders from forging an attack on the facility. This can increase safety for everyone who occupies the property.

In Michigan, institutional glass is a product that is suitable for properties that require maximum security at all times. The glass stops common occurrences such as personal injuries, property damage, and could prevent crime, and this is why this product is chosen most often for these properties. Property owners who need Institutional Glass in Tecumseh MI contact Maple City Glass Inc today.