Jewelry, especially diamonds, evoke powerful emotions. Some of those emotions can be negative particularly when associated with unpleasant memories. One way to transform unpleasant memories is to create something positive out of the negative. Is there a dream in your heart?
Crowdfunding is not the only way to fund your dreams. Have you ever thought about selling your diamonds as an alternative? See if the following two scenarios resonate with you:
Scenario 1:
Peter can hardly believe that he is holding the same magnificent diamond necklace that hangs around his mother’s neck in the wedding photo taken 43 years ago. The necklace, a present from her husband on their wedding day, is an heirloom for his eight-year-old daughter. But recently when his daughter, first-place winner of a local science fair, proudly announced that she intends to become a medical doctor when she grows up, suddenly, the funds for a four-year education seemed inadequate. With the additional schooling, Peter knows he needs to save more money. So, he decides to sell his mother’s diamond necklace and start a special fund for his daughter’s medical schooling. His mother’s necklace is helping his family even though not in the manner he thought it would. His daughter will be the first medical doctor in their family. Peter knows his mother would approve!
Sell diamonds in Wheaton when you want to finance your child’s dream!
Scenario 2:
Pamela spent a long time getting over her divorce. So, she understands the emotional heartache and pain that those going through a divorce experience. When she is finally ready to part with them, she gathers her diamond engagement and wedding rings, and the diamond bracelet that was a gift from her ex-husband on their wedding day, and decides to sell them to start a coaching business to empower other women after a divorce.
Perhaps you have a dream in your heart that needs financing. Why not let go of painful memories and use the diamonds to finance your dream or your child’s dream? When you create something new, you create new, pleasant memories and it becomes easier to let go of the past.