Of all the expenses a new business has to consider, a sign advertising their business or marking their location is one that is often overlooked. But why bother with a sign anyway if all advertising is online and people can access maps on their smartphones? Well, even if people find information about your business through other sources, they still need to know where its physical location is. Here are a few more reasons why:
1. Tell People You Exist
While online and print marketing do indeed work, many will come to your business through passing by it and stopping in and/or choosing to come by another time. If they do not know your company exists in a specific location however, they will not know about you. For instance, tourists and out of town visitors will always need somewhere to eat, therefore will likely stop and look at a restaurant that has a menu or sign prominently displayed, as people will be much more likely to visit the restaurant displaying a sign or menu board than one that does not.
2. One-Off Price
Consistent marketing is expensive but necessary; however, the cost of getting custom signs printed from a service such as Gulfside have a one-off cost that will last longer and continue to get a return on its investment. Even signs to advertise limited time deals or holiday specials are worth the cost.
3. Branding
SmallBizTrends says that a sign is an integral part of your brand because it is one of the first forms of contact that customers will have with your business. This is why it is important to keep it clean and well maintained, and to use quality custom signs to provide the right message and impression.
Whatever you are advertising with your sign, getting a custom one printed by a professional service will be a great investment that will both drive in customers and provide a positive first impression of your business too.