What a Struggling Family Should Know About Foreclosure in Hamilton, OH

by | Dec 2, 2016 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Even though financial experts typically recommend everyone set aside several months’ salary in an emergency fund, many people don’t follow this advice. When they lose their job or suffer some other kind of serious financial setback, those with a sufficient amount of money saved tend to be able to recover from their circumstances without too much damage done to their personal living situations. On the other hand, those who don’t have any money saved can get into real financial trouble after a seemingly minor problem such as a temporary layoff or car breakdown. For homeowners, this could mean foreclosure in Hamilton OH.

Fortunately, it’s possible for many people to save their home even if their lender has told them they are going to foreclose. It isn’t necessary to give up just because the situation looks bleak. By contacting an attorney right away, a family that has had financial problems, but is working to get their finances back in order, may be able to avoid Foreclosure in Hamilton OH and keep their home. When the lender is not willing to stop the foreclosure action, the best step is to contact an experienced attorney right away to discuss the available options.

Bankruptcy is merely one option when it comes to saving a home from foreclosure. An attorney may be able to facilitate an agreement with the lender that restructures the mortgage so the homeowner can repay the missed payments over time. This could also make the mortgage more affordable for a struggling family. In order to keep their home, a family must be able to afford to pay the monthly mortgage. This means they will have to have a stable source of income. Without enough money to pay the mortgage as well as other monthly expenses, a homeowner might need to look at other options.

The thought of losing a home could be incredibly stressful. When the family schedules an appointment to meet Dean Snyder Attorney, they could have their questions answered so they can make the most appropriate decisions regarding their future. If saving the home is the ideal solution, an experienced attorney may explain the process and get started on the necessary paperwork right away.