Oral Drugs That May Be Provided by a Sedation Dentist in Newark NJ

by | Sep 21, 2016 | Dental Health

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People who need to have a relatively extensive dental procedure done may prefer oral or intravenous sedation over general anesthesia. A Sedation Dentist in Newark NJ provides this service to adults and to minors with parental permission. Even with sedation, however, younger children may not be able to sit still through a procedure such as a root canal. Dentists typically recommend general anesthesia for these patients.

Several kinds of oral medicine with relaxing effects can be provided to patients by a Sedation Dentist in Newark NJ. Most are benzodiazepine drugs that can be taken at a low dosage. Diazepam, familiar to people by the brand name Valium, is probably the best known. Numerous other benzodiazepine options are available as well. The medications are useful for relieving anxiety and helping people sleep. Other drugs a dentist might prescribe for sedation include antihistamines and sleep-enhancing medication. Both have sedating effects, with the strength of those effects depending on the dosage.

The patient might take the medicine before coming to the appointment as long as there is someone else to drive in case the sedation effects begin before the individual reaches the clinic. Driving home after the procedure should be avoided as well since the effects typically linger for a while, and the person may feel groggy. The patient also can receive oral medication upon arriving at the clinic, but that means having to be there well before the appointment. It can take 30 minutes or even longer for the effects to begin. Another option is a sublingual tablet that dissolves quickly under the tongue. This medicine works more rapidly than tablets that are swallowed whole.

Before receiving this medication at a clinic such as ChildSmiles•FamilySmiles, the patient must provide a full medical history to the dentist. This will be asked for ahead of time and should be completed honestly. Any other medications or products such as herbal supplements this person takes should be noted. After the procedure is complete, the patient should avoid drinking alcohol or taking any drugs that could cause sleepiness. The combination could be hazardous. Please see the website  for more information on this particular dental practice.