Being approved for a loan is very difficult for some people because they have poor credit scores. This makes it very hard on them if they are in a financial bind. Thankfully, there are loans that don’t require a credit check and are very quickly processed. Cash 2 U offers a car title loan that is approved in one hour and same-day funding. This is a huge help for those who need the money very quickly. There are very few requirements needed for this type of loan, and most people love that no credit check is required to gain approval. It is important to work with a reputable lender offering easy loan terms.
In order to qualify for a car title loan, an applicant must be a Florida resident with a valid Florida driver’s license. They must bring in proof of income, residency, an insurance card, and a phone bill. The car must be a 2004 model or newer that is in good working condition. It has to have less than 130,000 miles on it and it has to be free of other liens. These are very simple requirements and this is why the loans process so quickly and easily.
The best way to learn more about this particular type of loan is by visiting the website of the lender. There is a lot of helpful information available, as well as a secure, online application. Many people visit to learn more about this loan and the process of obtaining it. There is also an online reference sheet that can be printed out for easy access. The actual loan process is very quick and easy and the loan terms are easy to understand. It is helpful to look over the information on the site and call the lender with any questions or concerns.
Cash 2 U offers more than ten years of experience in the loan industry and is a reputable lender. The loans will be repaid in one year and this means affordable monthly payments that are easy to manage. Payment options are very easy and convenient. It is easy to see why so many people are choosing this type of loan if they are in a financial bind.