Creating an Awards Program to Boost Sales

by | Aug 24, 2016 | Trophies

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Sales people thrive on recognition. Their inherent nature, and what makes them good at sales, is that fact that giving them kudos for a job well done will spur them on to work even harder. This is why smart business owners offer regular corporate recognition awards.

To structure a good recognition award program, it must have several components. The first is that it should be a structured program with a regular, consistent schedule, and should cover a definite time period. Awards handed out spontaneously can be a good thing in some circumstances, but to really spur on salespeople, there should be a program, with measurable goals over a specific time period, like, for example, a calendar year.

If you don’t currently have a corporate recognition awards program, be sure to announce your sales goals early on, so that employees know the expectations, and what it takes to exceed these. Then, give out your corporate awards at the end of the period to those who met or exceeded expectations. It’s a good idea to have one high achievement award for the person who is top in sales. Think about the different goals within your organization, and structure your contest, and awards, to match.

Your corporate recognition awards need not necessarily be costly. The amount you spend should be reasonable based on your annual revenue. Working with a reputable awards company will ensure your awards look expensive without costing you a fortune.

Corporate Awards Have an Impact

You might be surprised to find that sales increase after just one year of a corporate program. People enjoy being recognized, and like to know that their work is not taken for granted. Sales people, in particular, like being called up on stage and having their award presented to the, in person, by a top executive. So, be certain to plan an awards ceremony as you are laying out the details of your corporate recognition awards program.

Recognition awards are very important to sales people, but you’ll find that others in your organization appreciate receiving a trophy that recognizes their hard work at the end of the year, too. Work with the top managers in your company to come up with a plan that motivates employees across the company to do their best. Just remember that the goals must be somewhat lofty, but attainable. If the goals are too easily met, the rewards are meaningless, but if the goal is unattainable, employees actually lose motivation.

Putting together a good recognition program for your company need not be time consuming, but can be a great way to help improve employee morale and increase sales. You’ll be amazed at the goals you can reach with a little employee motivation.