Is it Time for Air Conditioning Repair in Loughman FL or Replacement?

by | Jun 6, 2016 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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The air conditioning system is an essential component of any home’s comfort. Many people wonder how families survived prior to the invention of this device. However, an AC system can also represent a rather large investment if something is not working properly.

When a homeowner is facing a rather large repair bill for their AC unit, the question of if Air Conditioning Repair in Loughman FL or replacement is the best option may come up. Some information and questions that will help a homeowner make the best and most affordable decision can be found here.

How Old is the Unit?

The average air conditioning unit is specifically designed to last between 15 and 20 years. If the current system is 17 years old and the repairs that are necessary are coming more frequently and costing more and more, then it may be time to think about a replacement. The majority of new AC units are Energy Star rated, which means they work more efficiently and will cost less overt time.

How Much with the Necessary Repair Actually Cost?

The cost of Air Conditioning Repair in Loughman FL is based on a number of factors. A general rule of thumb to use is if the unit is not very old and the cost of the repair is under 30 percent of the cost of a new unit, then repair is a viable option. This is only true as long as the other parts of the system are working properly.

Are the Monthly Bills Going Up?

If it seems like the air conditioner is running all the time to keep the home comfortable and as a result, utility costs are increasing, then it may be time to look for a replacement. Instead of continuing to pour money into the old unit, purchase a new, more energy efficient system.

When it comes to a homeowner’s AC system, knowing when it is time for repairs and when replacement is necessary is essential. With the information here, it will be easier for a homeowner to make this decision. For those who are interested, they can also get more information here.