You Can Enjoy These Advantages of Dental Crowns in Westlake, OH

by | Dec 19, 2024 | Dentist

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Whether you are dealing with a cosmetic issue or a painful condition, your dentist may recommend dental crowns as a solution. Fortunately, there are many benefits of looking into dental crowns in Westlake, OH. This painless solution can help boost your comfort and self-esteem.

Simple, Straightforward Dental Procedure

Receiving a dental crown is a simple, straightforward procedure that only requires two visits. The first visit involves cleaning the tooth and removing a thin layer of enamel. Your dentist also removes the damaged portions of your tooth. You are given a temporary crown until your permanent crown is ready. During your second visit, you receive your permanent crown.

Resembles Your Natural Teeth

Your dental crown is customized to look and feel like your natural teeth. You do not have to worry about anyone pointing out your crown, and you may even forget you have the crown yourself. Furthermore, you can brush and floss your crown as you would your other teeth.

Relieves Pain And Discomfort

It is hard to chew and talk when your tooth is causing pain, such as scratching your tongue or the inside of your cheek. A dental crown relieves pain and discomfort by allowing you to function as usual. It also provides peace of mind knowing your damaged tooth is no longer visible.

Restores And Protects Damaged Teeth

You can restore and protect your teeth by looking into dental crowns in Westlake, OH. Dental crowns are designed to treat chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. They also protect your teeth from infection or further damage by covering the exposed area.

If you need dental crowns in Westlake, OH, contact Miklula, DDS Family Dentistry. You can find more information and request an appointment at