Frequently Asked Questions About The Importance Of Rat Control Services In Arlington, VA

by | May 23, 2016 | Pest Control

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An infestation of rats in the home can be dangerous for family members. It’s not uncommon for rats to carry various diseases, and they can quickly damage the structure of a home. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn why it’s important to contact Rat Control Services in Arlington VA when homeowners suspect an infestation.

Q.) What kinds of diseases or illnesses can humans get from coming into contact with rats?

A.) People who come into contact with waste from rats can contract leptospirosis or lymphocytic choriomeningitis. These diseases can cause various health problems including kidney failure and paralysis. People who have allergies often have allergic symptoms when they come into contact with rat waste or dander. Before a rat causes anyone in the family to become sick, call experienced Rat Control Services in Arlington VA.

Q.) What kinds of damage is caused by rats when they’re inside a structure?

A.) Rats chew on various materials inside the home including wood and plastic objects. They also enjoy chewing holes in fabrics such as clothing and sheets to get material for their nests. If rats chew on electrical wires inside the home, this will damage the wiring and create a potential fire hazard. For the safety of household members, a company that performs Rat Control Services in Arlington VA should be called right away. Visit here to know more.

Q.) Why do rats come into a house instead of staying outside?

A.) When the weather begins to get chilly outside, a rat wants to find a warm spot to stay for the winter, and this would be inside the house. There’s also plenty of food to eat inside, and a rat doesn’t have far to walk to get it. Rats are often found inside cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. Individuals may see holes in food boxes where a rat has chewed through the boxes. Crackers and chips may be scattered inside the pantry where they’ve been discovered by a rat.

If you have a problem with rats at your home or business, contact the experienced pest control technicians at Pest Management Services. This is a family owned company that can take care of all your pest control needs. Visit their website to learn more about the company’s pest control and mold treatment services.