Schedule Air Conditioning Repair Service Early in Neenah, WI

by | May 20, 2013 | Heating

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or most of the year, air conditioning probably isn’t top of the mind in Wisconsin. After all, the state is right next to Canada. For about nine months out of the year, it’s downright cold!

Despite this, it will eventually heat up – and the summers can get surprisingly hot. In fact, the hottest day in a state like Wisconsin is sometimes even hotter than it gets in Florida. Therefore, you should make sure your air conditioner is in top condition before those few weeks of summer finally arrive. More importantly, you should have it checked far enough in advance that the repair service isn’t overloaded with calls like it will be on the first hot day. By having them perform a check up while it’s still spring – and chilly – you’ll be able to get all of the service you need without any delays.

Common reasons for needing Air conditioning repair Neenah WI are problems with coolant leaks, the blower motor, and the compressor. Coolant leaks are often detected by testing the pressure of the fluid. If it’s too low, the chances are good that some of the coolant has escaped the system.
When the compressor is outside the building, it will often accumulate dead leaves and other debris that will interfere with its ability to get rid of heat. The fins on the unit may also become damaged. When that happens, the unit’s efficiency will be compromised. Fortunately, clearing leaves and straightening fins is just basic maintenance.

The blower motor is the other major component that sometimes needs to be repaired. Older blowers need regular oiling in order to keep running. Even when properly maintained, they will eventually reach the end of their lifespans and need to be replaced.

Other issues are more minor, but can still leave you sweating. Problems with the thermostat fall into this category. An old thermostat can eventually lose its ability to detect heat. When this happens, it may tell the air conditioning system that it’s already cold enough whether it is or not. A failed thermostat may also simply stop transmitting any signals at all. In either case, it’s usually time for a new one. This will ensure that your air conditioning system activates every time it should.