Animal Hospitals and Pet Emergencies in Chandler AZ

by | May 3, 2013 | Animal

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Do you have an emergency plan for your beloved pets? Your best friend is vulnerable to accidents in the home and around the neighborhood much like you or your children. Every day, dogs and cats suffer accidental electrocution, near drowning and unintentional poisoning. Have a good emergency plan in place in case one of your pets becomes injured. Learn more about what pet-parents can do to save the life of the most vulnerable members of the family from Animal Hospitals Chandler AZ.

Electric Shock and CPR

Puppies like to chew when they are teething and may chew through electrical wires. Keep lamps, stereo and TV wires out of their reach and off the floor. If your pet does become shocked, you may have to start pet CPR. First, check your pet for responsiveness by shaking him and calling out his name. If he does not respond, encircle his snout with your hand and give two quick breaths from mouth-to-snout. Next, place the palm of your hand on your pets left chest and give 30 quick chest compressions. Have someone drive you while you continue CPR and notify one of the animal hospitals in Chandler AZ on the way.

Near Drowning and Pets

It is common in the summer months for pets to fall into swimming pools or become tangled in vegetation in ponds and experience near drowning. Immediately rescue your dog or cat from the water source and observe for any signs of life. If your best friend is not responding, place him on the left side and carefully compress the chest with the heel of the hand to expel water from the lungs. If your dog or cat does not begin breathing on his own, start pet CPR. Perform two quick mouth-to-snout breaths and watch the chest rise and fall. If your breaths do not enter the lungs, repeat the steps to expel the water from your pet’s lungs or reposition their head and try the rescue breaths again.

Animal Hospitals Chandler AZ and Pet Emergencies

Pet-parents should always have a good plan to ensure the safety and successful rescue of the family’s best friend. Dogs and cats are prone to accidents and require the assistance of other family members to survive. Always call your veterinarian in an emergency and keep the number of local animal hospitals written down with the rest of your important numbers for quick access.