Social Security is a federal government program that provides monetary benefits to those who have reached retirement age as well as those that are unable to work because of a physical or mental disability. A Social Security attorney in Knoxville is a legal professional that has tailored his or her law practice around helping those making claims for disability benefits. This attorney uses his or her intimate knowledge of the complex laws surrounding the program, helping those that are applying for benefits but more often than not working closely with those disabled individuals that have had their application for benefits denied.
Rarely, if ever, will an application for disability benefits be granted without a great deal of supporting data which is used by the administration to confirm that the applicant, without a doubt, is unable to perform any substantive work. When an application is first received by the SSA it is subjected to in-depth scrutiny in an effort to determine the validly of the claim. The applicant is obliged to provide substantial information on his or her medical condition along with a work history detailing their duties and responsibilities. A Social Security attorney knows exactly what the administration is looking for, the attorney can work with the applicant, providing advice and guidance on how to best increase the chances of a successful first application, or, if the application is denied, which most of them are, how to approach the appeals process.
It is a depressing statistic but around 70 to 75 percent of first time applications for disability benefits are denied, this is when a Social Security attorney in Knoxville can be a tremendous asset. The attorney will first file a request for reconsideration, even this request is rejected almost 90 percent of the time; the greatest majority of appeals goes forward and is heard in front of an administrative law judge. When the applicant and his or her attorney are in the presence of the judge this is the only time in the process that there is human to human dialogue; the applicant can argue the case most effectively by providing adequate proof that can support the claim that he or she is truly disabled. It is at this hearing that the applicant can bring expert witnesses along to support the claim and testify to the extent of the disability and an opinion as to how long the disability will last.
Fortunately many denials of benefits are overturned at this stage and the applicant is awarded benefits, however, not all cases go in favor of the disabled person. If the results of the hearing are not favorable the applicant and the Social Security attorney in Knoxville can appeal to an Appeals Council, the council will carefully review the findings of everyone who has previously been involved in the case and make a ruling. In the event this level of appeal also results in denial of benefits the applicant can sue in a district court. Visit Business Name for more details Or call 865-299-7080.