What is a dumpster?

by | Aug 26, 2014 | Recycling

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A dumpster is a front loading container, it is basically a large steel bin that is used to hold waste until such time a garbage truck arrives to transfer the contents into the truck and then deliver it to a landfill site or a recycling facility. Dumpsters in Portland OR are ubiquitous as they are in all major cities; they are used in the management of the huge volume of waste that a major metropolitan center generates. They are often an integral part of the waste management program of restaurants, large office complexes and apartment buildings. Wherever a large amount of waste is generated you will find a dumpster. In most cases the dumpster is owned by and serviced by a waste management company.

The original dumpster can be traced back to the 1930s. The Dempster Brothers starting looking into a standard system for garbage receptacles which could be integrated with specialized vehicles used for the collection of the waste contained therein. This garbage collection system became known as the “Dempster Dumpster” but it did not take long for the name Dempster to disappear and since these practical garbage solutions have been known as dumpsters. Dumpsters are now used worldwide as they are far more efficient than any other system of garbage collection which was collecting waste stored in odd sized containers all of which were manhandled and thrown in a variety of trucks.

The dumpsters in Portland OR are the center of the waste collection system. Take for example an apartment building, the dumpster is dropped in a location which is convenient for all the tenants, the tenants empty their individual waste cans by either bringing the contents to the dumpster or dropping it down a centralized chute, the dumpster is located at the bottom. The dumpster is serviced at set intervals which suit the amount of waste that accumulates. Dumpsters come in various sizes; small units are emptied directly into a garbage truck while large units are hauled up on the back of flat bed trucks and taken to the disposal site. In the case of a small unit, it is set back in place after emptying where a large unit is replaced with an empty unit which was on the flat bed truck when it arrived on site.

Although dumpsters are used as a matter of course by many there are also times when a dumpster is only needed a few times or even once. In the event of a home remodeling program for example the contractor will include dumpsters in their overall waste management program for the duration of the contract.

If your facility generates sufficient waste then the solution is to use Dumpsters in Portland OR. You are invited to contact Portland Disposal & Recycling, Inc for complete details and sizes available.