It’s Just Lunch Professional Matchmaker in Houston

by | Jul 25, 2014 | Lifestyle And Relationships

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Over 6 million people live in Houston, yet finding someone you are compatible with still seems to be a struggle. Dating and relationships are hard in today’s modern world, with the average American working more hours than ever, especially in the big city. Dating a co-worker always leads to disaster, and trying to meet people at bars can prove to be a major disappointment. While online dating seems appealing, you never truly know who you are talking to on the other side of that computer.


By using a Matchmaker in Houston, you will find help making the right connections. You can avoid the drunks at the bar and the inconsistant connections online. It’s Just Lunch is a Matchmaker in Houston founded by a young professional who noticed the lack of services for busy people who just wanted to meet like-minded people over lunch. Instead of filling out a profile with half-truths and witty jokes, you will be interviewed by the It’s Just Lunch team so they can truly get to know you as a person. The Matchmakers will then hand select your date and arrange lunch, brunch, drinks after work, whatever works with your busy schedule. If you choose to see each other again, you can exchange contact information and arrange a second date. It’s Just Lunch professionals will never give out your last name, your phone number, address, or where you work; only your first name and a description will be given to your date. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by using a Matchmaker in Houston.


It’s Just Lunch Matchmaker in Houston has been in business for over 20 years and is responsible for over 20 million first dates and thousands of relationships. They take all the guess work out of dating and allow for busy professionals to create new connections outside of the business world. Career minded individuals tend to focus on success in the workplace and neglect the very essence of what makes us human; that intimate connection with others. They have a proven track record of successful relationships, and if you don’t feel that connection with your date, you can move on without worrying about them being able to get in touch with you again. If you are serious about meeting new people, you can put your trust with a professional Matchmaker in Houston; after all, It’s Just Lunch.