Having Trouble Claiming Workers Comp? Get Help From a Workers Compensation Lawyer in Bel Air

by | Jun 12, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Being injured on the job typically triggers a workers compensation claim to get coverage. But it’s not as easy or simple as it sounds, even though the state requires just about every employer to carry a policy. Problems can arise with a claim when it’s least expected, making it more difficult for the employee to cover bills and get medical care. Sometimes the fault is with the insurance company balking on paying out a claim. Whatever the problem is, a workers compensation lawyer in Bel Air may be able to help.

There are three parties involved in a claim: the employee, the employer and the insurer. The employee has a duty to fill out the paperwork for the claim in a timely manner, and the employer passes the paperwork onto the appropriate agencies. Sometimes an employer disputes the claim as they feel that there is no merit to the case. This can be appealed to the state labor board for further adjudication. However, if the employer does not dispute the claim, the insurance company takes over.

Workers compensation itself is known as no-fault insurance. What this means is that no blame is laid down on who or what is responsible for the accident. The employer is relieved of the risk of a lawsuit while the employee can reasonably expect to be compensated for their injuries. The burden of payment falls on the insurance company, and this is where a majority of the problems are likely to start.

Insurance companies are notorious for nitpicking claims in an attempt to deny it. Sometimes the reasons are valid, and sometimes they are not. When the reasons are in the latter category, it may be time to retain a Workers Compensation Lawyer in Bel Air. The simple act of retaining a lawyer sends a message to the insurer that the claimant is not going to let the insurer get away with denying a claim for no good reason.

The lawyer’s job is to ensure that the benefits are paid out and that the insurer follows state laws for workers compensation. There are many tactics that the lawyer can employ to get the insurer to settle the claim in favor of the employee. It all comes down to the facts of the case and the argument against paying the claim.