Choosing an Animal Hospital that is Right for You and Your Pet

by | Aug 7, 2020 | Animal Health

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You love your pets and want to give them the finest care available. When choosing an animal hospital for your little one, decide what is best for you and them. A dog owner who has a canine with hip dysplasia will have very different needs than an owner of a cat with chronic urinary issues. A veterinarian who can meet their needs, from preventative to something more serious, is important. A caring team of doctors who knows your pet’s medical history can make a big difference when it comes to making important healthcare decisions. Find a team that is compassionate and who will care for your pet during their early life stages and, years later, give them excellent senior care.

Preventative Care

From the moment that you take ownership of your pet, you feel responsible for giving them great care. It’s important to take them to an animal
who can give them the best quality service from day one. Puppies and kittens will require spay and neuter surgeries, immunizations, and vaccinations. The care doesn’t stop there – once these critters have become an established part of your family, keep them healthy with their annual exams. Heartworm and parasite analysis, weight management and nutrition evaluation, dental evaluations – all of these assessments are performed to identify risks and prevent the onset of diseases and unhealthy behaviors. Keeping them up-to-date on these visits with a reliable veterinarian can help you to avoid an emergency vet visit.

Surgical Services

Unfortunately, your pets sometimes have to undergo surgery. Avoid having to search for a new doctor who can handle the problem when an emergency strikes. If you’ve found an animal hospital that can meet all of your needs, it will give you peace of mind to know where you are going and who will be providing treatment. The doctors will know your pet’s medical history and will be able to give you exceptional, personalized service during a stressful time.

The Veterinarians

Not all doctors are the same. Research the physicians to discover where they’ve studied and if they have a certification in a specialized field. If you’re interested in non-traditional treatments, look for a doctor who has a degree from an accredited veterinary medicine school as well as has training in a non-traditional medical field. Be aware that if multiple doctors work in the practice, you may be receiving help from a different doctor at each visit. Be comfortable with all of the vets in the practice that you choose.

Read the Testimonials

When choosing an animal hospital that is right for you and your pet, doing some legwork in the beginning will pay off. Ask friends and pet owners at the park for recommendations. Talking to current or former clients of a veterinarian can be enlightening and will save you the time and frustration that comes with choosing the wrong hospital. Look at potential veterinarian’s websites and read the testimonials that clients have left. This should give you information about their bedside manner and how the doctors treat their animal patients and human customers.

Holistic Veterinary Healing is a trusted family-owned facility that will provide you with outstanding service and keep your pet healthy for a lifetime. For more information about these services
You can also visit them on