4 Surprising Statistics About Needlestick Injuries in Healthcare

by | Feb 21, 2023 | Suture Needle

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If you’ve spent enough time in the healthcare industry, you’ve probably seen your fair share of needlestick injuries. They’re often preventable, yet these types of injuries can have serious consequences. From Hepatitis B to HIV, these types of injuries put healthcare workers at risk for various diseases and infections. Unfortunately, they happen far more often than they should.

1. High Number of Needlestick Injuries

Healthcare workers experience an estimated 384,000 needlestick injuries each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In other words, an average of more than 1,000 healthcare workers are injured by sharp objects every day.

2. Risks not Limited to Nurses

You’d be surprised by who’s subjected to needlestick injuries – it’s not just nurses. Physicians and lab technicians are also at risk. The CDC reports as many as 20 percent of all needlestick injuries in the healthcare setting occur to housekeeping staff who may come into contact with contaminated sharps during cleaning and disposal tasks.

3. Long-Term Effects

These needlestick injuries can have long-term effects beyond immediate pain and discomfort. They can also lead to the transmission of bloodborne pathogens, putting the healthcare worker at risk of infections. Hence, the reason why needlestick safety is such a crucial aspect of working in the healthcare industry.

4. Injuries Happen Despite Precautions

Personal protective equipment (PPE) helps but doesn’t prevent all injuries. The CDC reports that approximately one-third of all needlestick injuries occur despite using safety measures.

A Simple Solution?

The good news? A few simple solutions reduce the number of needlestick injuries in healthcare, including needle traps. The needle trap renders both tips of all suture needles innocuous, which helps prevent sharps injuries and reduces the risk of disease transmission. This also helps you stay compliant with all American PeriOperative Registered Nursing (AORN) guidelines. Want to learn more about needlestick safety, contact Sharp Fluidics today.