It feels like a hundred plus degrees outside, and it is a scorcher. You decide to go back indoors so that you can enjoy the cool effects of your AC. However, you are still hot, and your home does not seem to be as cool as you thought. You decide that you should call in an Air Conditioning Contractor to do some repairs on your unit. Before you call in a repair service, watch out for the following signs that your AC unit is in excellent condition, and you are just hot.
Let Your Body Adjust to the Heat
In the event of a heat wave, you will always feel hotter than the surroundings are. This is especially true if you are yet to acclimatize to the summer weather. Instead of rushing to your phone and calling in the professionals, just grab a glass of ice water, settle near the AC vent, and allow your body to adjust.
When Window Curtains Catch the Afternoon Breeze
You probably just left the window open. Close all windows immediately so that the air conditioner does not have to work twice as hard to keep your home cool. By letting the cold air escape into the afternoon heat, you cause the AC unit to use more energy, hence running inefficiently.
When Your Air Conditioner is Not On
You distinctly remember turning on your air conditioner in the morning as you left for work, but on coming back a few hours later it is off. Before you conclude that you finally require a new AC system or having the current one repaired, explore other scenarios. One probable scenario is that someone set your thermostat to come on at a particular time or when the temperature rises to a certain level.
When the Energy Bill is Higher This Month
If you run the air condition more than usual, you can expect the bill to be higher. A higher bill does not mean you will need AC repair services, but it is usually a good sign that you should have a maintenance performed on your system by “Company Name” You will need to call in an air conditioning contractor some day, and when you do, always call on the experts.