3 Tips to Help You Take Better Care of the Trees on Your Orlando Property

by | Aug 30, 2022 | Tree Service

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A little research can tell you about specific care practices that are best for the trees on your property. While you can hire a tree service in Orlando for professional care, there are a few things you should do between visits from your arborist. Until you know more about the needs of the trees on your property, you should follow a few basic tree care tips.

Trees Need Plenty of Water

Pay attention to the amount of rain you get in your region. If it hasn’t rained in a week you should be watering your trees. A mature tree needs up to one inch of water per week. If you have younger trees, they will need a minimum of four gallons per week. Some saplings require up to 10 gallons in a 7-day period.

Fertilize the Soil

Much like any plant, your trees absorb nutrients from the soil that will help them stay healthy and strong. Unfortunately, grass and other plants can drain the soil of those nutrients. Talk to your arborist about adding fertilizer to give your trees the nutrients they need.

Protect Tree Roots With Mulch

When your arborist comes to provide tree service in Orlando, you can also ask them about the best mulch for your trees. Adding mulch around the base of the trunk will protect the tree’s roots from lawnmower and pest damage. It will also keep the soil moist to ensure the tree can stay hydrated.

Get the tree care service you need to keep your trees healthy when you contact Business Name via their website.