3 Reasons Families Choose Cremation When Making Funeral Arrangements in Deltona, FL

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Cremation

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Although Deltona is a city that is very traditional in some ways, area residents often shy away from established funeral choices and choose cremation. Funeral Arrangements in Deltona FL often include cremation because families want simple, memorable services that are still budget friendly. The choice is also popular among those who are opposed to burying caskets and using land for cemetery plots.

Cremation Overcomes Problems Associated With Burial

Funeral Arrangements in Deltona FL often include cremation because cemetery burials are problems for some people. Families may not be able to find plots in the cemeteries they would prefer. Some clients make arrangements with local professionals like Fourtowns Cremation Inc. because they feel that burial would leave family members with the burden of caring for their plots. Many want to save valuable land, while others simply dislike the idea of being buried in a sealed casket.

Cremation Allows for Personalized Memorials

Clients may also opt for cremation so that they have more time and flexibility in funeral planning. It is common for these families to have the bodies cremated and then take their time contacting people and deciding on final arrangements. Since they are not limited to certain areas, they can choose meaningful places to hold celebrations of life and to scatter ashes. Funeral professionals also offer keepsake jewelry that holds cremains, and it is becoming common for ashes to become part of reefs. Some clients even choose beautiful urns to hold ashes. Although they can be buried, families often keep and display urns to feel closer to someone they lost.

Cremation Can Prevent Financial Burdens

Cost is one of the most common reasons given for choosing cremation. Currently, the average family spends nearly $10,000 on a classic funeral, but simple cremations typically cost less than $1,000. That includes picking up the body, storing it, cremation, and the return of the ashes in a cardboard container. Charges also include the simple container the body is cremated in.

More families are choosing cremation instead of traditional funerals and cemetery burials. Some people opt for cremation because they dislike the idea of burial. It is also a popular option among those who want an affordable but flexible way to arrange personalized memorials.