3 Health Reasons You Should Take a Pilates Class in Louisville, KY

by | May 13, 2021 | Pilates Studios

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Everyone needs a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity each day, and choosing to take a pilates class in Louisville, KY, can help you meet that requirement. It will also give you some variety to keep exercising interesting. As you begin going to classes, you’ll also be benefiting your mind and body in the following ways.

Get More Energy
Pilates provides the body with moderate to high-intensity exercise, which is essential for maximizing blood flow. You’ll also take in more oxygen, which will help ensure your blood is rich with this vital element. As your heart pushes more oxygen-rich blood to your brain, you’ll experience more energy and a better mood.

Strengthen Your Body Core
Your back, abdomen, and pelvic region make up your body core, which is why it’s necessary to maintain strong muscles throughout these areas. Pilates will help do that by providing the necessary resistance training that builds lean muscle mass. As a result, you’ll experience better balance and posture.

Improve Your Body Physique
If you want to look better, you’ll have to lose weight and tone your muscles. Without building new muscle mass, any weight that you lose will leave you with sagging flab that’s just as unsightly as unwanted fat. Fortunately, the exercises you’ll do in a pilates class in Louisville, KY, will help you firm up your muscles as you burn more calories.

You can sign up for a fun and exhilarating pilates class when you visit Wild and Woolly Pilates online.

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