2 Types of Sensors That Cause the Check Engine Light to Turn On in AZ

by | Nov 18, 2020 | Automotive

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Have you been driving around in Arizona with a check engine light? Are you concerned that you will not be able to renew your registration because of it? Instead of spending your time driving consumed with worry about an impending breakdown or wondering what is causing a glooming red light on your dashboard, here are two types of sensors that may be causing your vehicle’s check engine light to turn on.

O2 Sensor

One of the most common reasons why your car’s check engine light could be on is that the O2 sensor, also known as the oxygen sensor, has failed. This particular sensor measures the unburnt oxygen in your car’s exhaust system and typically fails when using low-quality gasoline. Generally, this sensor should be replaced every 60,000 to 80,000 miles.

Mass Airflow Sensor

Another common reason why your car’s check engine light may be turning on is that the mass airflow sensor has been damaged. This sensor monitors the amount of air that enters the engine and is a critical component of the car’s engine management system. Contamination is one of the main causes of mass airflow sensor failure.

The Auto Experts You Can Depend On

Perhaps you are now searching for the best auto shop in Goodyear, AZ, to help you with your vehicle’s check engine light problem. Visit the auto experts at Champs Family Automotive. They have been offering their vehicle repair and maintenance expertise since 2010 and are ASE Master Certified. So, when searching for a highly reputable and trustworthy auto shop in Goodyear, AZ, for help, they are the only ones you should visit. Call or visit them at https://champsfamilyautomotive.com today.